I wanted to go to Wonder Festival.
I wanted to drift in the sea of creation.
That's how we ended up here.

I had been event a long time ago, but the direction of the organizers had completely changed.
In the past, accessories, bags, small items for figures and stage crafts were the main items sold, but recent years seem to be different.
With the proliferation of 3D printers and software, the focus had shifted to bishojo figures.
Nevertheless, some groups still held on to their beliefs and sold their unique creations.

I did not understand what was different about the exhibits at the corporate booths from those at Anime Japan, but many of the works that were on display were eye-catching, with money and technology that were unique to the companies.
It seems that 3D printers are not as expensive as I thought they would be, and this has created a gap in my mind that has made me consider buying one for a bit.

At the event, I purchased several pieces of artwork by people I follow at Blue Sky.
I will take my time to paint them on my next holiday.

The bishojo figures on display at the venue were expensive, and every time I saw a piece, I compared it to the cost of parking and lamented.

I was so impressed by the huge, archaeological pieces that looked like they could be displayed in a museum.
Followings are some of the works that I know the original Manga.
The phone games were quite erotic, but did not particularly move me.

It is a character from a work that is famous but I have not seen the movie yet.

If you're going to try poison, try her too.
And I don't even know why I pre-order for a figure that shocked me at the event.

Can't wait until next year.
It's amazingly well made. It was planned in Japan, but will be manufactured in China. They must be paying a very high contract price.
Very much looking forward to it!