Terrible ridiculously depopulation website. Did you thought that the website manager (It's me!) seemed to be dead? Look, I'm fine! (no laugh)
突然ですが( ついったーでは散々つぶやいてるくせに)、
冬休みは(またひとりで)アメリカ行きます。 去年はこんな感じ
Well, it is suddenly ( Have murmured severely in Twitter), I'll go US in this winter holiday. Latest US trip
This time flight is as below.

I'd like to accumulate milage point by United airline, because I'm member of the Star Alliance. But if chosed cheep trip, select the American airline (One world Alliance) compelled. If I took United airline, could able to ride on the Boeing 747 till JPN-US and ride on ultra- cool (Just my favorite) the Boeing 717 for transit. Anyway, this time trip is scary because transit fuselage is Brazilian capital airplane (ERJ175), which could fall well. (Wait. The Boeing is simply most crash. Ahh they selling a lots....)
So, all told, last time trip was affliction quite in proper use of camera. This time, came up for this device when the scene that Here!

Success the canan pedestal by Yahoo bid ($5) and fixed smart phone table holder ($1 at 100yen shop) together by doing on - like this the drilled (fixed by screw+washer+nut 50cents) then self made.
Seems lens position is physically repugnant, but positioning of photogenic is not particular problem. This time of the US trip would WIN by my self!(I think)
Perpose of trip
1.国立アメリカ空軍博物館(オハイオ州 デイトン)に行って艦これ
1. Went to the National Museum of the United States Air Force and play the Kankore game.
2.イントレピッド海上航空宇宙博物館(ニューヨーク州 マンハッタン)に行って艦こ(ry
Went to the Intrepid Sea Air Space Museum and play the Kank(fuck off)
Last year, I went the National Air and Space Museum (and the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center) and was very impressed ever. Actually, even me that don't know about aircraft so much but thoght "This place is so amazing!" (How vocabulary poverty). Well, when I talked to friends of work, "US has more super good place at an aircraft." and have introduced the museum which this time I'll go.
When I seen website, had been excited, so clicked such like Travelocty. But look, it's same price when transit from Ohio to NY. Only for room charge was need. Yes, added a destination.
But in those days, during buzz occur by mad bombing, then after train crash at Maryland. I shall careful not to be soft target. But quite concerned. If I involved in the incident, please do not expose my face to media. Dissemination of rumos is illegal!!!
When I went NY (last year), only 1 day trip. Recently, I have interested in NY maid cafe + heard that NYC has super fucking air and space museum. So added a destination as above.
Google Mapの航空写真でもはっきりとその博物館が写ってるので、興味ある人はググレカス。
You could see aircraft carrier the Intrepid in Will Smith starring movie "I Am Legend", when he striking hit. I thoght this scene is hit the ball from fried aircraft carrier out in NYC. So this is first time that I heard that this is museum. Common sense of the world? Sorry. Check the Intrepid in google.

In addition, 26 and 27 December is work day but I'll try to take paid vacation. I believe workplace would taken a lenient measures (Sorry still not apply).