
I'll be updating properly and loosely this year as well. (aims 1time/month at a minimum)
①国立空軍博物館(Nationa Musium of Air Force)(オハイオ州 デイトン Dayton Ohio)
②イントレピッド空母博物館(Intrepid Museum)(ニューヨーク州 ニューヨーク Newyork City)
December 25, 2016

There was a flight cancellation in advance from the airline. The departure was changed from 18:10 to 18:00 on the basis of transfer relief arrangements.
An aircraft to the Dallas Fort Worth (777-200) has not changed. I wanted to ride the 300ER but the aircraft was retrofitting. Therefore, attached a mood light fluorescent light to the side wall. Boeing 777 Captain's wish (Cristmas flight with new equipment) was made possible. (But the captain of 787 is still a high-class sight)

It was in this state for a short time until meal. I feel strange and strange.
I was able to sleep like and when I gotup, it is Dallas Fort Worth International Airport, that should be in the midst of the worst Christmas.(Refer to DieHard2)

There was no congestion (gun battle fight too) like a movie at all either.
Where on earth are you? It was deserted. As an airport company, I think that Christmas special allowance will be granted. But, everyone did not want to work, they operated with a minimum number of people. In addition, the physical examiner was making a chewing gum. It's a fucking job and correspondence for the first time. This is American culture. Consumer centers are worthless. Well, I also have time to work while I work.

I spared about 5 hours of transit at Dallas airport. Departing around 20:30 aiming at the final point the Dayton International Airport.
深夜0時を回ったぐらいに、最終目的地・デイトン国際空港(オハイオ州 デイトン)に到着。
Arrived at final destination, the Dayton International Airport on midnight 0 o'clock. "I have arrived in the US! I will go to the National Air Force Museum tomorrow!". I was looking for a public phone to call my parents home like this. But I can not find it. When asked to the attendant, he told "No such thing." Here It's an international airport lol fuck!!!!
I tried desperately but I could not able to find an internationa phone (There was phone for domestic). I charged the skype and called family.
Outside of airport, there was no taxi. So I caught a whitish taxi (White colored number plate taxi is illegal in Japan) and got in bed at the hotel around 1:30. How could I arrived safely well.
December 26, 2016
Under the cloudy cloudy sky, I woke up and attacked McDonald's just beside. Only there around here.

Calling a taxi (There is no bus bound for the museum) while eating hamburger. While moving to museum, an accident happened at the intersection. Well, I was doing seatbelt and the accident level was so low (the bumper of the opponent was off one side), but there was nothing gentle like arranging an alternative taxi like Japan, and it was combined for field verification for about 30 minutes. The driver abused opponent from the police until he was released and dropped me to destination. Well, here it's America (Do not charge me free! Fuck!)
んで、無事に博物館に到着。近くにライト=パターソン空軍基地があり、一応そこに属してる特殊な公共物です。なお、googleで「ライトパターソン (スペース)」と打つと、続いてUFOって表示されます。そんな不思議な場所です。
I arrived at the museum safely(lol). There is Wright = Patterson Air Force Base in the vicinity, it is a special public property belonging to it. Furthermore, if you search "Wright Patterson (with space key)" at google, UFO is displayed as a candidate. It is such a strange place.

This picture is the hanger which the modern aircraft concentrates. There are only few people in museum. Because there are not as many people as Smithsonian (and another annex), you can take pictures while freely composing picture. Since I had only a single focal length of 50 mm, the wings protrude from almost all the photos, but can approach the object as much as you can (Distance that you can touch, but you should not touch it. It is a manner)
For the time being, the exhibition plan is planned to be specialized in Hobby page, so I will pick it up here for little.

When entering the hall and proceeding along the way, start from the aircraft of the early period (multi-wing aircraft, trilobate machine, multi-leaf machine). However, because I am not interested so much (hey!), I went straight to the Second World War Corner after a quick sweep (but still took twenty minutes). This picture is a prototype / practice machine of the Japanese imperial Navy's "Ohuka" that the US military received. Practical aircraft is here (When I got to Smithsonian).
The allied army who became the champion of the world brings the thing of the Axis of evil country as a loot. It is always in the war, but it was nice that the country that will exhibit like this won.

The exhibition at here was wonderful. Almost all exhibition machines are in explosive condition with some weapons. I will admire the attitude of exhibiting it not only for the aircraft but also for the equipment without any skill. This picture is Mk.82 (usually 500 LB bomb) that B - 52 carries. It's $300/shot. How about at the end of a Sunday barbecue party for this? (An old employee said)

US army joke like Toyoko INN. I can understand the reasons for the Iraq war that has been prolonged.

In the Japanese Imperial Navy corner, a zero fight pilot and a mannequin wearing a naval uniform were settled. Pictures of lieutenant Saburo Sakai who was hated by violence and bad deeds and also from the same zero battle ride are decorated. Is it popular in America in the USA?

There are several exhibits using mannequins in the same way, you can taste the atmosphere of those days. The picture is Huey which is familiar in the Apocalypse of hell. Will you get to his utopia? (I guess US army was riding on a boat certainly in movie)?

Everything involved in the Air Force involves not only airplanes but also flying objects. Therefore, there are also missiles that have been jointly invested and developed with NASA. This picture is Titan II from the left, Titan I and Soa Ajena A, which is a ballistic missile and a satellite (reconnaissance) launch vehicle that was very active during the Cold War. Such a historical projectile is also displayed as a history of missile development competition.

飛翔体には低高度(120cm)を飛行するAvrocar VZ-9も含まれるんでしょうか?おそらくココでしか見られないだろう(ほとんどの展示物がココでしか見られませんが・・・)。円盤型の輸送機であり、冷戦初期に開発がスタート。SFに夢見た軍が試行錯誤を重ねたおもちゃです。
Does the aircraft contain Avrocar VZ - 9 that fly at low altitude (120 cm)? Perhaps it will only be seen here (although most of the exhibits can only be seen here ...). It is a disk type transport machine and development started at the beginning of the Cold War. The trophy dreamed of by SF is a trial and error toy.

Anyway it is wide here. The exhibits are divided by age, it is impossible to take all in picture. There is too much clutter (shadows and wings of other aircraft obstruct others).
I feel deep awe in how wonderful human history is that the historical relics (there are active machines, too) are kept on a magnificent scale by that magnificent scale.

マジ超イイ感じでFat Manを投下するBockscar(B-52爆撃機 44-27297)の写真が飾られています。反原発団体は叫んでるだけでこういうイケてる絵の存在は知らないのかな?なお、長崎を爆撃した当該機も展示されてます。その翼の下には、もちろん敗戦国日本の紫電改(紫電二一型甲)が屈服したように展示されてます。戦後70年経ってもアメリカの本心は変わらない。でもこういうのがいいんです。これが歴史。是非このまま飾っててほしい。
This picture of Bockscar (B-52 bomber 44-27297) which drops Fat Man with a feeling of super delicious feeling is decorated. Just shouting the anti-nuclear organization, don't you know the existence of such a squeaky picture? The aircraft that bombed Nagasaki is also exhibited. And beneath under the wing, of course, it is displayed as if the defeated country Japan's Shiden Kai (George) succumbed. Even after 70 years since the end of the war, America's real mind does not change. But I like this kind of thing. This is history. Please keep display.
Special page will be posted on here. Please look forward to it! and please wait for a while.
December 27, 2016
ニューヨークへ移動するだけの日。つかれた _(:3」∠)_
It is just a day to go to New York. I was tired _ (: 3 ∠) _
To be continue