Today is my paid holiday (no study for a slave examination) and it is been a long time since today.
It is a special holiday for me and there is not to do anything in particular, so I'd like to report my Kyoto Autumn leaves trip that I said last time.
In addition, detail would be reported in other page next time.

海外のドミトリーは、盗難とかマジで掘られたりするみたいなので、 (楽しみたい時以外) 絶対泊まらないようにしてるんですが、今回は金をあまり使わない(理由はのちほど)という目標でドミトリー使ってみた。国内だから大丈夫だろうと安心してたが、実は後悔した(ぉ
The first attempt at this trip is to stay at a cheap dormitory. Overseas domitory seems to be stolen, and DUG(lol). Therefore I have never tried it but this time is Japan, so I decided to try it because it would be safe.
In fact I regretted it....

Finally at work, get a 1000 yen cheap Shinkansen ticket at something like Daikokuya, moved away to Kyoto. Always I see Kyoto tower first, but actualy I always definitely not go every time. But changed my mind on the last day.
Night of the day...
洛北(というか京都駅から3駅)のドミトリーにチェックイン、ベッドに案内されましたが、ネットでは 「外人と楽しく会話して楽しい時間だった」とか 「異文化に触れてとてもよかった」とか 「自分の世界観変わった」とか、ヘドが出そうな感想がありますが、ボクの泊まったとこは9人(10人1部屋) 全員ネクラのヒキニートでコミュ障なのか、 一言もなしでした(挨拶すらも)。
I checked in to the dormitory in the north from Kyoto station about 3 station. On the internet there was a comment that "it was a fun time talking happily with a foreigner" or "I am glad to touch other cultures" or "I have changed my view of the world/life"blah blah blah....
Actualy, there were nine people (10 people per a room) where I stayed, and there was not a single word (even a greeting). It seems everyone was withdrawing from a dark personality and not currently being employed, educated or trained? I was so strange.

Well, I was getting aware of trying to respond appropriately when spoken but was bit sluggish. I wanted to prepare for the pilgrimage map, so it was convenient.
However, foreigners's loud noise was so noisy that I could'nt slept well + The outside sound was noisy because of the windows opened by them + It was noisy to picked uo baggage without care of sleeping people.
Think biggest obstacle in international marriage was to reaffirm that foreigners do not have "Care of other people" like Japanese people do normally. Of course some Japanese do not.
Then next day...
November 20th

While foreigners are sleeping, wake up suddenly in the rain, slide in south Kyoto "Uji city", where the most scenes appear in "Hibike! Euphonium". When think seriously, many people are pushing tens of thousands from home and abroad for the purpose of autumn leaves, and on the contrary there are a few people who are doing such this pilgrimage work, the driving force of animation is amazing rather than the action force of geeks otaku!←Can not be helped because it is a anime believer.

In the Uji station which comes out also in the animation, the theatrical release announcement poster was posted. In order to coexist with the local area, even if it is a pilgrimage place of anime, I think should to keep quietly about this advertisement.

This bridge is "Uji bashi", one of the scene where Kumiko was informed from fucking teacher that you are out of fighting power, then she ran to the house while crying. It is just a bridge, but it is counter as the Three oldest bridge in Japan, and since the base is from 646, so how do you understand a wonderful (Vocabulary....).

This is one of the scenes beside of the Byoudouin temple "Agata" shrine. To tell the truth, I did not know until the pilgrimage that the Byoudouin temple was next to this. Except for the 10yen coin, there is no memory in the apperance of elementary schools other than social studies. So I went there because it was awesome. For world heritage, punishment is hit in the idea of "Just going once".

Photo the wonderful autumn leaves,

Since the Euphonium pilgrim will be done on a dedicated page, this page returns the subject to Kyoto's autumn leaves. End the pilgrimage in the day, attacked "Nijyou castle" at night with a people who are full of love such Disney is not a big deal.

There was event of Art auarium not a fuss about the Instagram. I was alone in the Nijyou castle with fucking full of love people for one and half hours formed a queue together. Without joking, I only saw three other guys with camera. 99.999% people was full of love(couple) and family. Well I think that it is worth a look. However, the entrance fee was too expensive (1500Yen).

When I watched the temple next to the dormitory where I had a good time in the evening, it was so beautiful with moderate autumn leaves lighted up the bridge in the precincts.
Although there was no people, but I love Kyoto where there are plenty of beautiful places even if do not rely on guide books. (After examining it, it was a famous temple in the place where the cherry blossom viewing cherry blossoms originated)

Next day...
November 21st
I went to the famous Shimogamo shrine (Kamomioya shrine) at "Funny things are good!"(in a niche anime area).

After Shimogamo shrine, went to Kinkakuji temple at the end of the event.

Autumn leaves were already scattered in the Kinkakuji temple. I, I don't care. (push my self)
小雨も降ったので、もしかしてと思い、帰りがけ、絶対行かないであろう京都タワーに行きましたら、予想通り 二次 虹がかかってました。神社で拝むより価値が高いかと。
Because it was raining a bit, I thought possibily, so went the Kyoto tower, then as expected, a rainbow hangs.

When look at Kiyomizudera temple with built-in telescope

Because of repairing, I did not go Kiyomizudera this time. Well I have been there several times past. I want to discover other many scenes of anime as pilgrimage again. With the above, report the autumn leaves of Kyoto. Thank you,