When I thought about making a digital camera by using a Raspberry Pi, the portability was good, and I noticed that it was just a simple animation playback machine.
①チャット用カメラ Camera for chat
②タッチスクリーン Touch screen
③モバイルバッテリー Mobile battery
④外付け無線wifi External wifi
⑤携帯式Bluetoothキーボード Prtable Bluetooth keybord
those are the default isn't it?

Raspberry Pi3の内蔵wifiのせいでGUIはもちろん、処理速度が遅くてコマンド打ちもままならない状況になったので、ELECOMのWDC-150SU2Mをぶち込んで弄ってたんですが、内蔵wifiをキルするとこまでいった先(wan0をblacklist化することにより非認識)でどうにもusbLANが認識しません。ファァァァーック!
Because of the Raspberry pi's built-in wifi, the processing speed was slow as well as the GUI, and it became a situation where commands could not be kept.
So, I was inserting the ELECOM's wifi WDC-150SU2M with killing the built-in wifi bu USB LAN became not recognized. (not recognizing wan0 by blacklist command).
So fucking!
(Referenced web mascii's page)
Since bc: 5c: 4c of Mac address is properly displayed and recognized as "This device is made by the ELECOM". so is it missed SSID setting? Well, still there is situation for connecting wired LAN for the time being. This can not be a jackpot like a command striker at Starbucks.
(Debut on Starburist when fixed.)
The final goal is to use a slot to properly receive some sort of on signal, then want to take a picture with a camera and send it to ftp and display it on this HP.
I want to make a network camera by myself, but honestly, seems it's over soon to buy a selling network camera....
Well, last year I went to DAYTON and finished the USAF page but did not write the NY's page, so I will report a bit from now. (Fucking late)
2016年12月27日~12月31日 December 27th thru 31st 2017.
NY travel note

The USAF museum was the main purpose of my trip, but since adding only $200, you can go to New York!
"Ok let's go". This is my second time in New York.
I stepping stone from a cheap country house Dayton, who somebody saids an alien is living.
I lent a cheap hotel near the opposite shore on the east side of Manhattan island (Long Island).

電車に乗ってマンハッタン島に向かい、乗り換えながら一気に西側の34th Street Hudson Yardsまで駒を進めます。
Took the train and head towards Manhattan island and transfer to the 34th Street Hudson Yards in the west.
Aim is the Intrepid Aviation Museum, which you could check on the geginning golf scene of "I am Legend".

I thought, "Is it okay to do this in architectural legislation?". But look we now on the US.
So it would be possible okay. I enjoyed it.

First, pay the entrance fee ($ 33 fucking to expensive) and go on the deck.
(Winter + wind is fucking strong. Please warmly when you go there.)

Let's stop decorating with MiG!(Vietnamese army's MiG-17F)

It was like a modern aircraft paradise on the aircraft carrier. But December in NY, it is fucking cold! I ran into the ship as soon.

艦内もなんでもありでした。2次大戦やマーキュリー計画メインで行動してたイントレピッドなので、当時の作戦について多く展示されてました。USAF博物館と違って有料($33 あNY市民なら$19っすよ?)ですが、ニューヨークに着たらダイハード3巡礼した後に是非寄ってみてはどうでしょう。絶対損はないでしょう。航空機だけでなくいろんな空母に関する機械も見られますのでかなりお得です。
Everything was on the ship. Intrepid was acting in the Second World War and the Mercury Plan Main, so many of the operations at that time were exhibited.
Unlike the USAF museum, it costs a fee ($33. From $19 for a NY citizen), But how about holding a Daihad 3 pilgrim when you arrive in New York?
There will be absolutely no loss.
Not only aircraft but also various machines related to aircraft carriers can be seen so it is quite profitable.

I would like to make a guid page of Intrepid. (Soon)
After the museum, walked down street to see the president's house, but security was too strong.

The NYPD command car is crossing in front of the trump tower and it is hardening with a block.

After watching Times Square and a sightseeing spot all the time, I took a walk around Central Park while nostalgating the previous Daihad 3 pilgrim since there is nothing special to do.
By the way, it came out to the Home Alone 2 like this photo.

I went to the Japanese famous market "Isetan" in New York(lol), but Isetan in Japan is clearer.
macy's display collapses or the store clerk is carefree, but US is like this anywhere except banks and jewely shops.

As a person who finished the Daihard 3 pilgrimage, it was not a bit chaotic in NY. (Hey)
But truly I enjoyed NY who has far more people than Tokyo.
Oh, i will go to see the autumn leaves in Kyoto a bit more. (For the Hibike! Euphonium pilgrimage too)