


It's hilarious(???)
1月に日記書いてたと思ったらそんなことは無く、 カッティングシート作りに精を出していてその気になっていたようです。
ということで今日から今年初めの日記を・・・と思ったんですが、 仕事が忙しすぎてマジで土日はベッドの上の住人になってるのでどこにも行って無いから話題が無い。
Hi, good evening... I thought I had written a diary during January, but that was not the case, I was busy making cutting sheets. I was going to write my first diary entry of the year, but... I've been so busy with work that I've been a bed dweller on weekends, so I haven't been anywhere, so I don't have any stories.
頭の中では もういっぽんの博多とか、ンゴちゃんってなんだよよく知らんが スペイン村行ってみたいとか、無意味に スーモで大町の物件見て木崎湖旅行してた。 あたおか
In my head, I thought of another Hakata, I wanted to go to Spanish Village, although I didn't know what Ngochan was, I looked at properties in Nagano in real estate information for no reason, and my mind travelled to Lake Kisaki.

shoestring budget SPD

しかし特にやることなかったので(無計画)、ふらふらお店見ながら しょうがないので スタバ1号店に行きました。
I decided I couldn't stay cooped up in my room, so I made a quick trip to Pike Place Market today. I did something a bit rear-ended. Probably for the third time. However, I didn't really have anything to do (no plan), so I wandered around looking at shops and went to the first Starbucks store.
It is very popular and we waited in line outside for half an hour.

It has been a year and a half since I came here, but this was my first time going into a Starbucks. Well, I don't usually drink coffee, so I always pass by Starbucks, including the first one. Coffee is expensive, isn't it? What's three dollars? That's 400 Japanese yen!
Apparently, the logo is always different.  
箱の「THE FIRST STORE STARBUCKS」の文字だけみて買ったので、表のロゴをよく見てなかった。
Incidentally, I bought the limited edition tumbler for some reason, even though I don't drink coffee. I only saw the words 'THE FIRST STORE STARBUCKS' on the box and bought it, so I didn't look closely at the logo on the front. It's a weird picture if you look closely... Hmmm... (You're not really interested in it).
Seattle candy apples? No, it's chocolate candy.

I was wandering around the area and almost touched a candy apple that was all chocolate. It is not something a 36-year-old man should eat alone. You can just peruse it at Kappa Sushi.   明日は気力があったら、少しは日記のネタになりそうな事を考えて行動しよう。
ちなみに、 ツイッターで見かけたタワマン文学の画像を見て爆笑してしまい、 この本を買ったのでもしかしたら部屋に引きこもって読破するかも。
  Tomorrow, if I have the energy, I will try to think of a few things that might make good diary fodder. Incidentally, I laughed when I saw an image on Twitter called Tower Mansions Literature. I bought the book, so I think I'll retreat to my room and read it all.
そんな2月18日、そろそろ競馬場でお馬さんでも見たいな( 3月11日が今年最初のレースです
On 18 February, it's time to see horses on the racecourse (11 March is the first race of the year).

シアトル パイクプレースマーケット スタバ 競馬 カッパ寿司