ぼくのなつやすみ (37回目)

My 37th summer vacation


This year there were three major events like the games.

  感想: 展示施設?コレ、普通に山登りですヨ?

1. Visited Japan Open-air Folk House Museum and Fujiko Fujio Museum in Kawasaki City
It's on top of a mountain, so it's quite a walk.

  感想:日本で一番 爆発位置が近くて死ぬ
2. Joined the Lake Kizaki's fireworks festival

It was the lowest explosion position in Japan.

  感想:妙義ステージ、普通にムズ過ぎて 中里スゴいって←
3. Initial D Pilgrimage

Somehow the mountain passes where beginner level enemies come out in the game are too harsh in the real world.

 This summer was another productive one.
We will introduce them as we organize them.



Visited Japan Open-air Folk House Museum and Fujiko Fujio Museum in Kawasaki City

人殺しとラッパーしか住んでない川崎市に住む友達の家に遊びに行ったハズなのに、なぜか「午前中は仕事があるから」って言われて、時間つぶしの為に 日本民家園を紹介されて行く事になった。川崎市の回し者かよ。
The museum, located in Kawasaki City, which appears in a famous song in the Japanese rap world, was explored in the morning before meeting up with friends.


川崎ちほーに住む人なら小学校の社会科で1回は行ったことのある民家園、 日本史を学ぶことや 木造の構造を見て勉強するのが好きなボクちゃんには、 普通に刺激的で知識の為になる場所でした。
It was a great experience, and the natural location released a lot of stress.


しかし、 小高い山の中に作りやがったので起伏が激しく、 夏の熱い太陽と気温、湿気のおかげで死にそうになりました。訴訟。
 Anyway, summer in Japan is hot, so we recommend that you visit with heat protection.


出来れば時代と技術の偏移が解る様に戦後~70、80、90、2000年代あたりの家も建てて(空き家多いから黙って1つ2つ移築してもええやろ←)、 「あーやっぱ2000年代の家、クーラーめっちゃ涼しー。土壁とかオワコン」って技術革新を体感する展示も欲しいナ。

Visitors could see actual displays of technically elaborate Japanese houses from before World War II, and several visitors from overseas came to learn about the making of wooden pillars and the culture of daily life.

午後は仕事終わりの友達と合流して、 藤子・F・不二雄ミュージアムに。
In the afternoon, I met up with friends and went to the Fujiko Fujio Museum.
He is a cartoonist famous for his work called Doraemon, and along with Osamu Tezuka, he is one of the most influential figures in the Japanese cartoon world.


There is a real version of Doraemon's secret tools.


主に子供向け展示なのでラフ画とか制作進行の資料、協力会社との激闘に関する資料が少なかったのが少し残念ですが、 大山のぶ代で育って成長しきったこどおじのボク世代でも十分楽しめる資料もあり大大満足。
Many of the exhibits are geared toward children, but some of the exhibits include small objects and specific cartoon blueprints left behind when he was struggling to create his works.


ドラえもん展示が9割ほど占めてましたが、黎明期の作品や キテレツあたりの原稿もあって感動。
ちなみにドラえもんは記憶の範囲では人生で初めて触れた漫画作品であり、 今ではどうしようもないアニオタですが幼少期はアニメーション<漫画至上主義でした。
My first encounter with Fujiko Fujio's work was with the Doraemon manga. From then on, I read more of the manga he wrote than the animations created by production companies. I am now a big fan of animation, but other than that, manga was my starting point during the creation period.


余談  ボクの好きな長編作品

My favorite collection of Fujiko Fujio's works

1. 雲の王国

The Cloud Kingdom

2. 夢幻三剣士
  実はアニメでは観てない 今度TSUTAYAします

A Tale of Three Squires

3. アニマル惑星
Animal planet
4. 鉄人兵団

Iron Legion

There are also many souvenirs for sale, so it was a very good museum that offers the perfect combination of seeing, touching, and buying.



Joined the Lake Kizaki's fireworks festival

忙しかったりなんなりであまり行けなかった花火大会、今年はうまく都合を付けて下道オンリー9時間。 苦行でした。(おまえが始めた物語だろ)

I have been too busy to go every year, but this year I made it and drove 9 hours down the road from Tokyo.

Since we went together with the Initial D pilgrimage, we have traveled all over the Kanto region.


安曇野に入った瞬間にSecond Flightを爆音、そこからハイテンションのまま小熊山に登って無線運用もキメた。
A typhoon was approaching, but the weather cleared up nicely.
On the way to Suwa City, we also made a pilgrimage to the Girl's Band Cry.


I also climbed a mountain on the side of Lake Kisaki and enjoyed the air of the mountains of Nagano, rich in nature.



The fireworks explode right in front of you, probably at the lowest explosive altitude in Japan, and your entire body is numbed by the roar and echoing sound.




I had an SLR camera, but I was forced to take pictures with my iphone due to equipment problems.

Still I was very satisfied because the vibrations and sounds I could feel in my body were irreplaceable impressions.



I heard that Americans also rush to this fireworks display. It's joke.

昔はコミケに参加組が コミケ終わったら中央道サンダーボールして打ち上げに間に合わせたようですが、今は開催日がズレたので幸せっぽいですね。
In the old days, the fireworks festival and Comiket coincided with each other, so after Comiket was over, I get on the expressway and rush to the Kizaki Lake at once.

Initial D Pilgrimage


I will upload again later as I am tired from the trip.