ぼくのなつやすみ2 (37回目) ... ?

My 37th summer vacation, Season 2


I invited a friend from Gunma who lives in Tochigi now to guide me.
For the first time in my life, I came to Gunma Prf.'s Shinkansen station.

夏休み最後は「 イニD巡礼」、ってことで群馬来ました。今日はライバルに勝って、チューニングポイントを貯めます。

I came to Gunma for the last part of my summer vacation to make the Initial D pilgrimage.
The world of Initial D, where many fierce battles took place, is spread out in the mountains of Gunma.


Time to attack from “Mt. Myogi,” which looks the steepest mountain ever.

とか言いつつ、次の瞬間には「 峠の釜めし」に開店と同時に入店してうどんセットをキメる。
But the next moment, we enter “Touge no Kamameshi” as soon as it opens and get my udon set.

The store is filled with Initial D goods. I recommend it as a tourist attraction.

A cool Nissan 180 is in store for you.

This is a bridge on the Usui Pass where a railroad once ran, and from the looks of it, it has a beautiful but rugged history.

This is the third bridge and we walked to the tenth bridge.

There is also a memorial to the 50 railroad workers who were once lost in the landslide here, which sent chills down my spine.

僕ら以外だーれもいませんでした。 うん、だーれもいないハズ。

The winding Usui Pass is tough.

Haruna and Akina are also famous Ini D spots.
Unfortunately, we did not visit those spots this time because we were looking forward to the next time, but went to Kegon-no-taki Falls, one of the most famous waterfall spots in Japan, located in the neighboring prefecture of Tochigi.

I came here on a school trip when I was in the sixth grade, but I don't remember it at all. It was good to come here again and feel the grandeur of the falls.

夜は関東が 世界に誇る「フライングガーデンでハンバーグした。
静岡に居た頃は さわやか中毒だったんですが、正直レアが苦手なのでフライングガーデンの良く焼かれている方が好きなんですよね。
We ate hamburgers at the Flying Garden, a world-famous specialty of the Kanto region in the evening.
そのまま友人の家に泊まるので夜中まで酒じゃーって思ったんですが、 7%の350ml缶でダウンしてそのまま朝まで寝着きました。疲れたんだね。歳だね。
I drank 350 ml of a mere 7% alcohol and went straight to sleep.

朝ごはんは朝の情報番組で宣伝してた粘着質の高い京都 ラーメン。
久しく京都行ってないので、そろそろ行きたいナリ_(:3 」∠)_ 
For breakfast, I had Tenka Ippin ramen from Kyoto. The soup is very thick and is my favorite kind of ramen.