

Ha ha ha! That's a funny thing to say.

The winter holidays are finally here.    僕の休みは12月23日~1月1日です。少し長いですねって??
My holiday is from 23 December to 1 January. Do you think that's a bit long?   いや、ゴールデンウィーク( しかも事故られたし)も 夏休みもほとんどなかったので許して。
No, forgive me, I had no Golden Week (and was involved in an accident) and very little summer holiday.   まぁ、 冬休みもちまちま仕事はこなすんですけどネ(白目)
Well, I will work a bit during the winter...oh...sick   会社近くのビルはクリスマスちっく
The building near the office looks like Christmas Christmas.

ご存じの通り、いつもの土日は基本 寝・て・る・よ・う・に・死・ん・で・るか、映画館に浸かる事しかしてない。
As you know, a normal Saturday or Sunday is basically all about sleeping, sleeping, dying or soaking up the cinema.   この間、遂にプレミア会員に昇格したので、2回/月タダ+常にチケット&飲食20%OFF。 ポップコーン盛るぜぇ~超盛るぜぇ~
I've finally been promoted to Premier membership recently, so I get 2 free tickets per month + 20% off tickets & food & drink all the time. Let's extra extra.   なので、インスタでパリピな屋外活動してないから相変わらずホームページのネタがない。
So, as usual, there is no material for the website as the outdoor activity on Instagram has been lacklustre.
一体何回目のセリフか・・・と思ったら、先日キャプテンアメリカ大好きオタクな仕入先のお兄さんから、 「ジャップなのにシアトルのゲーセン行った事ないん?おまえジャップかよ!?」って言われました。
How many times have I heard this line? The other day, a nerdy, Captain America-loving business partner asked me, "You're a Jap and you've never been to an arcade in Seattle? You're a Jap?" He said.

Let's kill him
Wataru, you speak English!
Just owner set the language to English option, aren't you idiot?
というわけで、 シアトル(より少し北部)のゲーセンで頭文字Dを発見しました( ゚∀゚)
So, Holy shit, I found Initial D in a game centre in Seattle (a bit further north).   ちなみにSEGA本家のリンク張ろうと思ったら、 初音ミクになってた。  ( ´゚,_J゚)必死ダナw
By the way, I tried to link to the SEGA original, but it turned out to be Hatsune Miku. (...) You're so desperate!   ボクが高校の時にやったのは1とか2で4は初めてですが、 基本同じ世界が繰り返されてるからなにも変わんないね(ぉぃ)
I did 1 and 2 when I was in high school, and 4 is my first time, but it's basically the same world all over again, so nothing has changed.(Shh!)   店内戦が出来る様に2台ある
There are two units to enable in-store competition.

1 PLAY is 3 x 25 cents. Conscientiously priced for an imported product.   なお、ゲーム自体は誰も見向きもせず、みんなピンボールに夢中でした。
However, no one looked at the game itself, everyone was into pinball.   たぶん 中国のアーケードゲームかなんかだと思われてる気がする(失礼)
I have a feeling they probably think it's a Chinese arcade game or something (pardon).   なぜか ビシバシがある(笑)
Why the Bishibashi is existing (lol)  

Even though I am mentally tough, I don't play this, I just watch it and be done with it.  
The games arcade was mainly a pinball table, with only a few older games machines, such as Samspie.   バックトゥザフューチャーの1955年からアメリカ変わんねーなって ()
America hasn't changed since 1955 in Back to the Future.   まぁ、 日本のゲーセンをイメージしてたボクが悪いんです。
Well, it was my fault for imagining a Japanese arcade.
Despite the discrepancy from my imagination, I am deeply moved by the fact that the owners also like Japanese arcade games. I am honestly happy.   そんな先週でした。
I spent the last week like this.

頭文字D アーケードゲーム ジャップ