

今年の夏は、初めて ハムフェアに行けない夏になります。訴訟。 
Howdy! This summer will be the first summer that I can  not be able to visit the Ham fair. I shall litigate the company.

なんとなく近かったので Sea fairに行ってきた
シアトルの夏は数日程35℃近くになったものの、ここ数日の日中は24℃前後で非常に過ごしやすいです。 湿気も低いので、助かる。
Summer in Seattle has been very pleasant with temperatures around 24°C during the day for the past few days, although it has been close to 35°C for a few days.
The low humidity also helps.

There are no particular events or reports, but at any rate, I an now on our Summer holidays.
(8th - 12th August)

Due to local customer service, the company takes turns to take holidays with the Japanese company. (Summer holidays on the Japanese side are from 15th - 19th August)

Blue Angelsの曲芸飛行 SUGOI!

ですが、今日もメールで色々対応してます。おかしいなぁ・・・ However, I'm still dealing with a lot of emails today. It's funny...   先月、ロサンゼルスのAnime Expo行ってオタク活動は満足したことと、5月から立て続けに交通事故に遭ってるので&コロナ怖いので、ここ数日は部屋に引き籠ってマンガ読んでます。
サマータイムレンダで興奮冷めやらぬ内に のんのんびより りめんばーを読み、泣いてます。(´;ω;`)
I've been reading manga in my room for the past few days because I went to Anime Expo in Los Angeles last month and was satisfied with my otaku activities, and because I've been in a series of car accidents since May & am scared of COVID-19. While I was still excited by the Summer Time Renda, I read the Non Non Biyori Remember and cried. (TωT)

I did, however, go to see the Seattle Mariners home opener (against the Angels). I don't know that much about baseball rules, but it was a great day with an extended game plus a fireworks display.   久しぶりにお絵かきでもしたいですが、中々その気力がないのと、描きたいキャラがいないなぁと。
I want to draw for the first time in a long time, but I don't have the energy for it and I don't have any characters I want to draw.Would you be satisfied if I drew Hyakumantenbara-sarome a Japanese Vtuber? Anyway, I've become an old man who can't keep up with the topics that are sweeping Japan, such as 'Enicolor' and 'Niji-sanji'.

Despite saying I was avoiding going out, I was lured by the sunshine to go horse racing.

It's that kind of holiday. Let's do something, at least on the last Sunday.