

コニチワー! コニチワー! 日本人の挨拶だって。バカにしてんだろ() 
Konichiwa! Konichiwa! He says it's a Japanese greeting. You're making fun of me, aren't you?lol

先月に日本で ウマ娘6巻が発売されて以降(逆にそれ以外の世界線あんのかよ?あるんだなーこれが)、早くアメリカでも販売されないか楽しみで仕方ありませんでしたが(取扱店は 紀伊国屋シアトル店のみじゃ)、遂に先週のお店から入荷連絡を貰い、意気揚々と引き取りに行きました。
Since the release of Uma Musume Vol.6 in Japan last month (Are there any other world lines? Yes, strangely enough there is a such world here) I was looking forward to seeing if it would be available in the US soon ( Kinokuniya is the only shop that carries it), but finally I got a call from the store last week that it was in stock, and I went to pick it up with great enthusiasm.

It's been a week since then but I haven't actually read any of it... I'm too busy working.

I have half an afternoon off this weekend, so I will read it slowly and savour it. umm

By the way, I visited the  Naval museum  the week before last, so I'll give you a quick report here.
To be honest, it wasn't the biggest museum I have ever been to (how rude).


I don't know if it is difficult to display the exhibits because they are ships as opposed to mini aircraft (lol).
However the naval arsenal is right next to museum, so they managed to fill the exhibits with there history related to them (Hey!).

もちろん 大和ミュージアムには無い、アメリカンな面白い展示もあり、そこそこ楽しめました。
Of course, there were some interesting American exhibits, which the Yamato Museum does not have, and I enjoyed them there.

Incidentally, the Naval Museum is on a neighbouring peninsula and it would take two hours to go there directly by car, so I took the car ferry.

The scenery on the way there was not so great, but on the way back, as we were docked in the city of Seattle, the weather was clear and the scenery was very good and I felt like I was travelling.

そんな最近ですが、遂にアメリカでも本日から 劇場版呪術廻戦-0-が公開されます。
Finally, the film version of Jutsu Kaisen -0- will be released in the US today. Although the days are not much to look forward to, I'd like to keep my spirits up with a few otaku-ish activities. In addition, it appears to be extremely popular.

呪術廻戦 フェリー 博物館 海軍 工廠 ウマ娘