

I did'nt realized I would make my real horse racing debut in the US. 

Hello there. I'm Nekoten who haven't been able to make a real horse racing debut for a long time, since I came to the U.S. in a world where entry to racetracks was banned to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

最近になって、クルマで40分くらいの所に 競馬場があることが分かったので来てみました。(おっそ)
I recently came to find out that there is a racetrack about 40 minutes away by car. (Too slow men)   実家は東京競馬場にそこそこ近い地域なので、小学校の頃に競馬場の遊具で遊んだりしてました。
My home town is in an area that is fairly close to the Tokyo Racecourse.
I used to play on the playground near the racetrack when I was in primary school. So I knew, even though I was young, that there was not that safe atmosphere around that area, or rather, a seedy atmosphere of a forecasting agency.
Therefore, my image of real horse racing itself, at least in my mind, was bad.

But in the U.S. (at least here at the racetracks), I was struck by the atmosphere of families coming together to enjoy watching the horses, and I fell to my knees. The difference between Japan and the U.S. is that there are no predictors, no dirty old men, and no horse racing newspapers.
Also there are no horse racing newspapers. This is the real horse racing in America! I was culture shocked.

There are about 20 guys dressed like cowboys. Some sisters are wearing dresses even though it's not a G1 event.

The weather was nice, so I went outside to relax.   まぁ地方競馬なのでテキサスあたりの本場の競馬場は分かりませんが、少なくともシアトルの南にあるここのダートコースは平和そのものでした。
一応来たからには・・・ということで出走する馬情報の過去のレースデータを分析して$5.00単勝でお馬ちゃんにかけたら1着でフィニッシュをキメてくれて、便利なツイッターには乗せましたが5倍近い$29ほどの還元がありました。 Well, this is a regional race track, so I don't know about the real racetracks in Texas.
But at least the dirt course here, south of Seattle, was peaceful.
I analyzed the past race data on the horses that were running and put a $5.00 Win on the horse, and he finished first, giving me a return of about $29, almost five times which was very nice result.

However, there is an admission fee of $10 (about 1,200 yen), which is more than 10 times the price in Japan, and I ate some random fries for lunch, so it is a real minus. Well, it was a healthier way to spend my time than sleeping at home doing nothing. I think I will go back again to get some peace of mind.

In the U.S., the rule seems to be that the horses are taken to the gate with a guide horses (I also saw such a rule in the video of other racetracks broadcasted live).
The atmosphere was peaceful, as if the horses were having a conversation until they entered the gate. (A little bit of a small feeling.)


競馬 アメリカ