朝は普通に10℃くらいで寒いでござる( ^ω^)・・・
I was going to write something about the heat in Seattle...
It's usually about 10°C in the morning, that it's cold.
I notice that the second week of September is coming to an end ...

Order doujinshi by airmail.
(Airmail fee 4,000 yen...)
Well, there is indeed no such event, so I would like to consider today's diary after checking how the last update went.
... I seem to have been satisfied with just drawing the Lycoris Recoil's Nishikigi Chisato.
I've been watching anime, so for the first time I'm going to do my personal 'ranking of anime' here.
I watched a lot of anime during the Summer holidays. There were a few that I thought were
It is not limited to 'Summer 2022 anime', so don't feel bad.
Most of the anime is from this season.
Theatrical animation seen over here is also included.

Crunchyroll you can rely on
Paid membership.
☆5段階評価 ーアニメのランク付け 17作品ー
☆ 5-star rating - Ranking of 17 animated films
(Highest scores at ☆☆☆☆☆, in Japanese alphabetical order)
・☆☆☆☆☆ アイの歌声を聴かせて(Sing a Bit of Harmony)
・☆★★★★ エロ動画異世界迷宮でハーレムを(Harem in the Labyrinth)
・☆☆★★★ 異世界薬局(Parallel World Pharmacy)
・☆☆☆☆★ 犬王(Inu-Oh)
・☆☆☆☆☆ ヴァイオレット・エヴァ―ガーデン劇場版(2020年)(Violet Evergarden Movie)
・☆☆★★★ うたわれるもの 二人の白皇(Utawarerumono Mask of Truth)
・☆☆☆★★ からかい上手の高木さん劇場版(Teasing Master Takagi-san Movie)
・☆★★★★ 最近雇ったメイドが怪しい(The Maid I Hired Recently is Mysterious)
・☆☆☆☆☆ サマー・ウォーズ(Summer Wars)
・☆☆☆☆☆ サマータイムレンダ(Summertime Render)
・☆★★★★ 邪神ちゃんドロップキックX(Drop Kick on my Devil!!! X)
・★★★★★ 新テニスの王子様 U-17 WORLD CUP(The Prince of Tennis U-17 World Cup)(3話迄)
・☆☆★★★ はたらく魔王様!!(The Devil is a Part timer Season 2)
・☆☆☆☆☆ メイドインアビス烈日の黄金郷(Made in Abyss The Golden City of the Scorching Sun)
・☆☆☆★★ よふかしのうた(Call of the Night)
・☆★★★★ ラブライブ!スーパースター!!第1期(Love Live Super Star Season 1)(3話迄)
・☆☆☆★★ リコリス・リコイル(Lycoris Recoil)
ー総括ー Overveiw
☆☆☆☆☆作品に対して For 5 stars works
Most are money-consuming theatrical animations.
However, in the late-night animation slot we rated Made in Abyss and Summertime Render.
What these works have in common is that the impression they left when first seen does not fade away.
I think this is because it was easier to get absorbed in the story and to gain the 'empathy' that comes from agreeing with and sympathising with the characters' feelings.
Well, when a second season is broadcast or the running time is longer, it is inevitable that we spend more time with the characters.
When 'Summertime Render' bites into such a situation, it can only be described as a triumph of the combination of the eeriness of the first series and the lightheartedness of the second series. The original manga portrays it so well that it is inevitable that I would want to see it in anime. By the way, I am a Mio Kofune fan.lol
☆☆☆☆★作品に対して For the 4 stars works
When considering the rating work of three stars, I thought that the only work that should fall between the five stars was 'Inu-Oh'. The fact that I was looking forward to the film version of 'Inu-Oh' as an extension of the anime 'Heike Monogatari' also helped to boost my rating. The mysterious music, which does not seem to be from the Muromachi period, and the story, which is still cool, are excellent.
☆☆☆★★以下の作品に対して For 3 stars works
If I had to give a high rating to any of these songs, it would be 'Call of the Night'. I love the cuteness of Nazna-chan, the beauty of the starry sky and the atmosphere of a quiet night. That's all.
特別チョイス Special choise
メイドインアビス烈日の黄金郷 Made in Abyss
If we restrict ourselves to summer anime, the only so-called 'supreme anime' is Made in Abyss. The prince forgets his promise to his princess, Fapta, and before he knows it, he's back where he started his adventure with a woman he doesn't know. And the only place he can go is crunch time.
As well as the story, I like the structure of each episode, the music, and especially the world of the Made in Abyss as depicted by Kusanagi Works, who specialises in environmental backgrounds. I like the way the story unfolds in the same place from the first season's 'Watching the bottomless journey with Rico' anime, and the way the story starts to answer the question of 'Identity of Reg, who was a mystery'.
I don't know whether it is the director or the series structure that causes different kinds of psychological damage to the viewer instead of direct damage to the protagonist (like the broken bones in the first season), but the grotesqueness and egregiousness are also great. It's hard to believe that this is the scriptwriter who created Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai. I would like to increase the original author's income as much as possible, so I think I will read the manga in one go with my winter bonus.
リコリスリコイル Lycoris Recoil
Fiiiiish (//ω//), Garden eeeeeeel! is not fair, but moreover, it doesn't have five stars compared to the public's rating. ミカx吉松のシーンがあったからでは無く、予防拘禁を執行する組織の割には、その手下のチルドレンの「殺す事」に対する意識が描かれ無い事や、それを超すごいAIと共に私たちが在る時間軸でストーリーを進めている所で、評価を落としています。
The film is underrated not because of the Mika x Yoshimatsu scene, but because, for an organisation that enforces preventive detention, it does not depict a sense of 'killing' of the children under its control, and the story is told in the time frame in which we exist, along with the superb AI. 同じ予防拘禁ネタでは「PSYCHO-PASS」がありますが、こちらは執行する側とされる側の事情や同様の超すごいAIの正体を含めて、設定が客観的な立場で描かれています。
'PSYCHO-PASS' has the same story of preventive detention, but here the setting is detailed from an objective standpoint, including the circumstances of the enforcer and the enforced, and the identity of the equally super-awesome AI. I can't help but compare the works. However, the characters are not as familiar as those in 'Sound! Euphonium', which makes me happy ().
And on weekends, I would play games with three or four friends in Japan.

I remember playing at my friend's house when I was in junior high school. I finally bought Smash Bros. If you put it in versus online mode, you feel like there's someone at home, and it's a good security measure.

First time playing Splatoon from 3rd series. I get camera sickness and I'm too unfamiliar with the controller. I'm just weak, but it's a lot of fun.
Days like that.