

あぁ、疲れた 仕事したくないよぅー
I'm tired. I don't want to work.  Hi, I'm the super negative and underling expatriate.   現地支給の給料は$1,000の中、どんどん物価が上がるのでかなりキツい生活を強いられています。
The cost of living is going up and up, so I have to live a very difficult life because the $1,000 wages is not enough.  
Bank balance...shit

Due to the depreciation of the yen, the amount of salary paid is now worth about 120% of what it was when I was posted. But what I use is the US, which is not "yen" stuff, so the value is the dollar itself, nothing more, nothing less. The only thing that is trading across countries using dollars is the Uma Musume gacha, which is very less deal.

Recently, the basil I bought before the summer has been growing well. Since I gave it water mixed with honey, which I was learned about on Twitter, it has grown into a super class.
I eat good spaghetti every week. I think the basil leaves are huge, no matter what you think.
Incidentally, I haven't been playing Uma Musume that much recently, so I didn't know who the new characters were when they came out. ......   そんなこんなですが、WIRES-Xのポータブルデジタルノードを立ち上げました。
Recently, I installed a portable digital node (PDN) WIRES-X. This may be too sudden and maniacal a topic, but we report on it. If you don't know what I'm talking about, Google it.
割と暇な時にALL JA CQルームに浸りますので、お相手下さいネ。
I'll be lurking in ALL JA's CQ room in my rather spare time, so please bear with me.   そういえば最終話を迎える夏アニメが沢山出て来ると同時に秋アニメがだんだんと始まりますね。
まったくチェックしてないですが、とりあえずP.A.WORKSの アキバ冥途戦争とdavidproductionの うる星やつらだけ観ます。
Speaking of which, at the same time as many summer anime are reaching their final episodes, autumn anime are gradually starting. I haven't checked them out at all yet, but so far I only have plans to watch P.A.WORKS' Akiba Maid War and davidproduction's Urusei Yatsura. To be honest, P.A.WORKS is not based on their original work, and there is still a possibility that I won't continue watching it, depending on whether davidproduction's clear drawings suit me.


無線 アニメ 家庭菜園 WIRES-X PDN 円安